Kamernaya disinfection

Kamernaya disinfectionChamber disinfection is one of the most reliable methods of disinfection. Disinfection is carried out in special apparatuses and facilities, which are called "delousing chambers".

Under the effect of hot air, couple, gas or chemical disinfectants death occurs vegetative and spore forms of microorganisms and insects infected objects. Chamber is used for disinfection of objects and things, which deteriorate under the influence of disinfectants solutions. In fumigatory disinfect bedding (blankets, pillow, mattresses), footwear, clothes, books, fur and leather.

Fumigatory installed in health care facilities and sanitary-epidemic institutions and some industrial enterprises. Moreover, disinfection chambers are divided into:

  • portable
  • mobile
  • stationary

Portable and mobile disinfection plant used for maintenance of foci of infection in the field. Mobile disinfection chamber is manufactured in the form of units, mounted on various vehicles.

Chamber disinfection of epidemic foci of things necessarily carried out under the following infectious diseases: typhoid fever, paratify, typhus and relapsing fevers, anthrax, quarantine diseases, hemorrhagic fevers, ornithosis, leprosy, fungal diseases (mikrosporiya, ringworm, favus), polio, tuberculosis. When scabies and viral hepatitis with fecal-oral transmission mechanism final disinfection with the disinfection chamber is performed only by the application-epidemiologists.

Clarify all the questions about the conduct of chamber disinfection can be on the phone +375 232 32 93 28

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