28 july – World Hepatitis Day

Health is the most important wealth of every person. The quality of life mainly depends on the indicators of physical condition.. Unfortunately, today, most serious diseases have a wide range of distribution, and they are a threat to the general welfare. These include hepatitis.

According to medical professionals, declared the International Day Against Viral Hepatitis allows to focus on preventive measures, an increase in the number of people who have been vaccinated and the implementation of national programs to combat this disease.

When celebrate

World Hepatitis Day is celebrated annually 28 july. The holiday was established by WHO at the initiative of the World Hepatitis Alliance. AT 2020 it is celebrated for the 13th time.

Who is celebrating

The date is celebrated by medical professionals, epidemiologists and virologists.

history of the holiday

For the first time, World Hepatitis Day was celebrated 19 may 2008 g. AT 2011 year, representatives of the World Health Assembly decided to postpone the date of the event to 28 july, coinciding with her memory of the doctor Baruch Samuel Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus and studied its pathological effects on the liver.

About hepatitis

This is a viral liver disease, which strikes a crushing blow to the whole body. A viral infection spreads easily and can cause an epidemiological case. Doctors all over the world have recognized this disease as a globally dangerous health problem.. According to WHO, viral hepatitis has already affected about 2 billion. human, that is, every third inhabitant of the Earth. Someone has already been ill, and someone is a carrier of pathology.

Hygiene is an effective preventive measure against the disease., vigilance with blood transfusion and caution when choosing sexual partners. The main protection against hepatitis of viral etiology is vaccination. Dissemination of information about the pathways of the disease is of great importance in prevention, need for immunization, hygiene compliance and medical examination.

Risk groups for infection with parenteral hepatitis B viruses, C and D:

  • injection addicts;
  • persons with infections, sexually transmitted;
  • sexual partners of patients infected with hepatitis viruses;
  • children of mothers with hepatitis B and C;
  • medical workers;
  • faces, on hemodialysis;
  • HIV-infected.

Hepatitis A and E распространяются водным, food, and also by contact and household ways. Water and food transmission of infection is realized through the consumption of food and water contaminated with the feces of an infected person.

Hepatitis B передается через кровь, as well as other body fluids (saliva, sperm), also transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy.

Hepatitis C в основном передается через кровь, as well as through other biological body fluids.

Заражение hepatitis D может происходить как одновременно с заражением гепатитом B, and join chronic hepatitis B. Bloodborne, sexually, as well as during childbirth.

Key interventions for viral hepatitis.

1. Vaccination

The main measure for the prevention of hepatitis B continues to be

immunization of the population within the framework of the national calendar of preventive


Vaccination against hepatitis A is carried out in accordance with the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications.

2. Hepatitis prevention measures, which is transmitted through blood:

  • safe blood and blood products (blood test at points of collection and blood transfusion);
  • use of personal hygiene items (nail scissors, razor, toothbrushes);
  • avoiding tattooing, piercing.

3. Measures to prevent sexual transmission of the hepatitis virus:

  • barrier contraception (condom use)

4. Hepatitis prevention measures, which are transferred to water, food and contact routes:

  • food and water safety:
  • drinking bottled or boiled drinking water, as well as thoroughly washed vegetables and fruits.

5. Preventing mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus during pregnancy.

6. Treatment of chronic forms of hepatitis.

World Health Organization (VOZ) in 2016 developed ” The Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis 2016–2021 ", which aims to contribute to the implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development up to 2030 of the year.

This strategy targets all five hepatitis viruses (A, B, C, D and E), and above all, with hepatitis B and C viruses, given their high public health significance.

Perspective vision:

  • world, in which transmission of the hepatitis virus has been interrupted
  • people, living with hepatitis, have access to secure, affordable and effective prevention and treatment services

common goal: elimination (elimination) viral hepatitis K 2030 year.

Viral hepatitis poses a serious public health threat.

Vaccination of newborns is the most important measure for the prevention of hepatitis in children.

The main way to detect viral hepatitis – donate blood!

If you suspect you have the hepatitis virus, see your doctor!

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