World blood donor day 14 June 2021 of the year

14 June 2021 of the year in the Republic of Belarus is traditionally celebrated "World Blood Donor Day". Blood service expresses gratitude to those people, who donate their blood voluntarily and gratuitously to save human lives and aims to draw public attention to the need to participate in regular voluntary gratuitous donation.

"World Blood Donor Day" slogan 2021 of the year - "Donate blood, let life pulsate in the world ".

Recommended by the World Health Organization (VOZ) defined the main goals of the campaign:

Expressing gratitude to blood donors and raising awareness of the need to donate blood regularly and free of charge;

instilling the social value of blood donation by strengthening general solidarity and social cohesion;

encouraging young people to respond to the humane call to donate and encourage others to follow suit;

recognizing the potential of youth as partners in health promotion.

FROM 1 June in the Republic of Belarus by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, blood transfusion organizations with the participation of the Belarusian Red Cross Society, RPO "Belaya Rus" and PA "Belarusian Union of Women" within the framework of the marathon "Blood on time - saving lives!»The beginning of corporate actions of the Donor Days starts, dedicated to the "World Blood Donor Day".

Initiative groups are invited to participate in the events, non-profit organizations, employees of public and private companies, implementing projects within the framework of corporate social responsibility, activists and volunteers of public associations, as well as students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

Today in the Republic of Belarus there are about 100 thousand donors. More 67 thousand blood donors, its components are awarded the badge "Honorary Drnar of the Republic of Belarus".

The blood service fully provides healthcare organizations with high-quality and safe blood components and medical products of its own production.

Safe blood is an essential part of health care according to the WHO fundamental and guiding principle. This work saves lives on a daily basis.

Amid a pandemic of COVID-19 infection, despite limited mobility and other difficulties, blood donors, its components in the Republic of Belarus and in many countries continued to donate blood and plasma to patients, in need of transfusion. Thanks to the donor function and the understanding of the importance of providing care, the blood service was able to procure more 500 thousand doses of blood, its components. During a pandemic, the important role of effectively organized active voluntary and non-remunerated blood donation is confirmed.

To maintain adequate supplies and timely safe blood transfusion, its components must be donated regularly.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Blood Service of the Republic of Belarus congratulate all donors and medical workers on the "World Blood Donor Day", calls to support the action on voluntary and free blood donation and to take part 14 June 2021 years in donations on the basis of blood service organizations throughout the Republic of Belarus.

Blood on time is life-saving!

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