Press release 1 October - "International Day of Older Persons"

What is old age? You will be surprised, but this concept is not based on age, not a disease. The main sign of old age is loss of functionality.. Mobility, independence, vision, hearing, memory - the loss of these and other abilities indicates an aging person. Yes, this is a natural and natural process, it cannot be stopped, but you can slow down.
As we age, we begin to lose muscle mass and muscle strength.. The only way to prevent this problem is through physical activity.. Man has to move! The World Health Organization recommends that older people take at least 150 minutes per week and not less 10 min per day. Power loads should be devoted to 30 minutes 2 once a week. Plus, you need to regularly do balance exercises to prevent falls..
Every elderly person is nutritionally deficient. The problem is not, that people are malnourished. It's just that due to illness, food ceases to be properly absorbed.. To prevent nutritional deficiencies, an older person should receive 500 city. fresh vegetables and fruits daily. Sticking to this rule, you provide it with fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Falls lead to injury in older people, therefore we must try to create a safe environment, in which the risk of falls is minimal. The simplest precautions can help., which we often do not attach importance to. Leave the night lamps on, ask the person to walk around the house with a cane, even if he does not see the need for it.
Cognitive deficits or impairment of memory and attention have up to 75% old people. Extreme Cognitive Deficiency - Dementia, when a person cannot live independently and serve himself. Unfortunately, we notice dementia, only when a person's cognitive functions are already severely impaired. Meanwhile, this process can be successfully slowed down, if dementia is diagnosed early. The simplest test will help you with this.: ask a person to draw a clock, which show ten minutes past eleven. If he does the job, so, cognitive function is normal. If not, be sure to see a doctor.
In general, we must understand, that full preservation or restoration of functions in the elderly is not always possible. Age-related changes are inevitable. But we must do our best to extend their self-sustainability., active life.
Annually 1 October is the Day of Older Persons. This date is a sign of recognition of the contribution of older people to the formation of the economic and spiritual potential of the country., a symbol of the continuity of generations.

1 October 2021 years from 11 to 12 hours by calling the "direct" line 8 (0232) 51-08-71,The Department of Early Medical Rehabilitation of Post-Stroke Patients of the Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital of World War Veterans will help to answer questions about the health of the elderly.
1 October 2021 years from 9 to 10 hours by calling the "direct" line 8 (0232) 33-57-82, 33-57-24 a doctor for medical prevention and a psychologist of the public health department of the Gomel Regional Center for Health Protection and Health will help you to answer questions about the health of the elderly.

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