21 October – Father's Day

Father's Day – one of the most touching and important holidays in our lives, which gives you the opportunity to once again express your love and gratitude to a dear person, surround him with care and deserved attention.

On this special day we remember all the moments, when fathers were around, supported and protected us, gave advice and taught us to persevere and courageously overcome life's difficulties. As a child, father, like a hero, was a symbol of strength, protection and confidence. He carried us in his arms, taught me to ride a bike, played football with us and told magic stories before bed. We looked at dad with admiration and believed, that he is able to solve any problem and defeat any danger.

Emotional and physical well-being, a child's health is directly related to his parents, especially with my father, which is a kind of security blanket. Ведь отец – this is a sample, a teacher, source of support and love. In the world, full of challenges and uncertainty, the child feels more confident, when a feeling of protection and comfort is created around him.

The bond between father and child deepens through time together. Games, sports, walks – all of which help strengthen the bond and create memories., which the child will carry with him throughout his life. Fathers also play an important role in developing children's social skills. They teach the child to interact with the world around him, resolve conflicts, develop communication and social adaptation skills.

Father – it is an integral part of a child's life, and his role has a huge influence on the formation of character, values ​​and future. Fathers must recognize the importance of their role and pay attention to the upbringing and development of their children, creating a healthy and happy childhood.

In celebration of Father's Day 20 October with 10 to 12 hours by phone. 8 (0232) 33-57-24 will be organized direct telephone line at the base state institution "Gomel Regional Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health ", psychologist of the public health department Ivanishko Yana Alekseevna will answer all your questions.

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