21 February - Infection Prevention Day,

sexually transmitted

Infections, A very important aspect of the correct formation of reproductive health is the education of the younger generation of a high sexual culture. (STIs) - the most important medical and social problem of modern society around the world.

According to WHO, more than every year around the world 340 millions of men and women aged 15-49 have been getting STIs for years; Every sixth person on the globe suffers from some kind of disease, sexually transmitted.

STIs include syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydial and mycoplasma infection, trichomoniasis, herpes and human papillomavirus infection of the genitals. Moreover, during sexual intercourse, besides STIs, viral hepatitis B and C are transmitted, as well as some other diseases (scabies, pubic lice, molluscum contagiosum). Today it is known 30 diseases, which can be sexually transmitted.

Besides, This infection is transmitted sexually, like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), disease-causing, called AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). HIV infection is a chronic, slowly progressive disease, which attacks cells of the immune system. As a result, her work is depressed, the patient's body loses the ability to defend itself against a variety of bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases, and also prevent the development of malignant tumors (hand), which after some time leads to the death of the patient.

For some time, HIV and STI issues were considered independently of each other. In reality, there is an objective relationship between the spread of HIV infection and STIs. The average person has any STI 3-4 times the risk of contracting HIV. The risk increases especially if you have several STIs at the same time.. Existing violations of the integrity of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, as a result of infection with an STI, are an open gate for the immunodeficiency virus.

The negative impact of STIs on the human body is not always limited only to damage to the genital organs and sexual discomfort. If diagnosed untimely or inadequately treated, STIs can become chronic and subsequently cause damage to other organs and systems.: joints with chlamydia, cordially- vascular and nervous system in syphilis, cause cancer (cervical cancer due to infection with papilloma viruses), and in case of HIV infection - lead to death.

In women of reproductive age, diseases, sexually transmitted infections can cause various sexual dysfunctions, infertility, ectopic pregnancy; lead to miscarriages, premature birth, congenital malformations of the fetus, stillbirth, infection of the fetus with STIs and HIV. In men, STIs also contribute to the development of infertility and sexual dysfunction, up to impotence.

The main source of STI and HIV infection is a sick person. However, the source can often be an outwardly healthy person - a carrier of infection.. The route of transmission is predominantly sexual. However, it should be remembered, that a number of diseases, eg, syphilis, scabies, molluscum contagiosum, can be transmitted through close household contact (staying in the same bed, sharing a towel, washcloths, dishes). For HIV and viral hepatitis, in addition to sexual transmission of infection, the injection route also plays an important role, what is typical for drug addicts.

Should be understood, that you cannot get infected with STIs and HIV by shaking hands, hugs, friendly kiss, using a drinking fountain, phone, through food, handrails in public transport, pool or pond water. These infections are also not spread by insect bites..

In men, the most common manifestation of STIs is discharge from the urethra, itching, burning and soreness when urinating, rash (ulcers, bubbles) on the genitals, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, pain in the testicular area.

In women, many STIs are often hidden, not showing myself in any way. In some cases, unusual vaginal discharge may appear (abundant, frothy, curdled, with an unpleasant odor), itching, burning, irritation in the genital area, soreness during urination and intercourse, pain down life, sores appear on the genitals, bubbles, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Besides, like men, so women may develop a rash on the body, palms, soles, hair loss, swelling and joint pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, rashes in the mouth.

When infected with STIs, clinical symptoms do not always and do not immediately appear. Each infection from this group has its own incubation period. ("hidden period"), during which there are no complaints, symptoms, and the infected person leads a normal life, continuing to be sexually active and thus exposing your sexual partner to infection. To detect them, you need a special, careful and professional examination. And most importantly, laboratory confirmation of the disease! Timely treatment and diagnosis of STIs allow starting adequate treatment of existing diseases in the early stages..

What is important to know about STIs?

  • You may not know, that contracted an STI over weeks or even many months.
  • Interrupted intercourse does not protect against STIs.
  • Contraceptive pill use does not prevent STIs.
  • STI discomfort and symptoms may go away without treatment, the disease will remain, and you can infect other people.
  • When treated promptly, most STIs respond to effective treatment.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted to the fetus in utero, and through mother's milk, and blood transfusion. These microorganisms, entering the human body, able through blood, lymph, on sperm, etc.. affect a variety of organs and systems.

Remember! The basis of STI prevention is loyalty to your partner, awareness of safe sexual behavior, as well as the use of personal protective equipment (a condom). There are no winners in the game called STI, there are only losers!


21 February from 10.00 to 12.00 on issues of STI prevention there will be a "hot" telephone line 8(0232) 35-04-22. The questions will be answered by the chief specialist of the GUZO of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee on dermatovenereology Aksenova Svetlana Viktorovna.

Based on materials from the Gomel Regional

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