International Family Day Press Release

“Family is one of the masterpieces of nature” D. Santayana

International Family Day established by the UN General Assembly in 1993 year and is celebrated annually 15 may.The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public to many problems of the family.. And its holding provides an opportunity to raise awareness in issues, concerning families, and deepen knowledge of socio-economic and demographic processes, affecting the situation of families.

A family, as the main element of society, was and remains the keeper of human values, generations of culture and historical continuity, factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state grows stronger and develops, growing well-being of the people. At all times, the development of the country was judged by the position of the family in society and in relation to it the state.

Social support for families at birth and raising children is one of the key areas of state policy of the Republic of Belarus. The country has formed a system of legal guarantees and social benefits for families, raising children, one of the most stable among the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The main task of the state is the formation in society of a model of prosperous, successful family with two or more children, capable of spiritual and moral self-development and self-realization. The family as the main element of society has been and remains the guardian of human values, generations of culture and historical continuity, factor of stability and development.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, for its part, offers a full range of services to maintain maternal and child health. However, a high level of medicine does not relieve every Belarusian from the obligation to monitor his own health, responsible for motherhood and fatherhood.

Along with the creation of a state mechanism to support a healthy lifestyle, the formation of high demand for personal health an important task of the health system is to create conditions for strengthening the health of the population, including reproductive.

Creating a family and raising values ​​is a difficult task. It requires great dedication and painstaking many years of work.. It is in the family that such qualities are laid, like loyalty to your ideals, friends and relatives, devotion to their own country, love and faith, kindness and generosity, responsibility and mutual assistance, respect not only for elders, but also to everyone around. Simple rules and morals, forming within the home, then transferred to society. Family values ​​form a person’s culture, make society more humane.

Family is the source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, then, what is any civilized society based on, without which man cannot exist. Well-being of the family - this is the measure of the development and progress of the country.


As part of the International Family Day 15 мая будет организована «прямая» телефонная линия с врачом-гинекологом

У «Гомельский областной диагностический медико-генетический центр с консультацией «Брак и семья» Косс Ольгой Владимировной по тел. 8(0232) 20-77-40 with 12 to 14 hours.

15 in May, psychologist and valeologists of the public health department of the State Institution “Gomel Regional Hygiene Center” will answer questions, Epidemiology and Public Health 10 to 12 hours

by phone. 8 (0232) 33-57-82; 8(0232) 33-57-24.


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