1 December 2023 year – World AIDS Day “Leadership – communities"

The World AIDS Campaign demonstrates international solidarity in the fight against the HIV epidemic over 30 years old: in accordance with the decision of the World Health Organization (VOZ) and the UN General Assembly in 1988 year 1 December was declared World AIDS Day. Over the years, in many countries around the world the day has become a significant date., indicating the relevance of the topic at the present stage, achievements in the field of prevention and treatment of HIV infection.

The problem of the spread of HIV infection remains one of the medical and social global challenges, faced by all states without exception. Inequalities in test availability continue to exist around the world., medications, new technologies and scientific data in selected countries in Africa and Asia. According to statistics, The rate of spread of HIV infection in some countries remains at a fairly high level, and this is partly facilitated by the lack of awareness of the population about the methods of its transmission and incorrect assessment of personal risks. The lack of information about the disease and measures to prevent it gives rise to a huge number of myths and unfounded fears, and people, living with HIV infection, are subject to social stigmatization. Important to remember, that HIV is not transmitted through household contact and airborne droplets.

According to WHO global statistics, there are more than 39 million people, infected with immunodeficiency virus (HIV). During the years of epidemic from diseases, HIV-related infections, more died 40 million people.

In the Republic of Belarus, more than 24 thousands of people. In recent 5 years, about 2 thousand new cases of HIV infection. The largest number of new cases are registered among men and women aged from 30 to 49 years old, sexual transmission of HIV predominates, which is more than 80% from all registered cases. Today, our country has ensured universal access for patients with HIV infection to antiretroviral therapy, thanks to which the duration and quality of life of people has been increased, living with HIV. In addition to medicinal properties, antiretroviral therapy also has a preventive effect: Patients, maintaining an undetectable viral load, do not transmit HIV to their sexual partners.

The Republic of Belarus has consistently pursued an active policy in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS. В рамках национальных ответных мер на распространение ВИЧ-инфекции реализуется Государственная программа «Здоровье народа и демографическая безопасность», which defines the activities, including measures to include all people in treatment programs, living with HIV, including from key populations, most vulnerable to HIV infection. To reduce the spread of HIV in high-risk groups, special prevention programs with proven effectiveness are being implemented in Belarus: opioid substitution therapy, needle and syringe exchange programs, HIV counseling and testing, social support for inclusion in the HIV care system. Prevention programs are implemented on the basis of government health organizations and non-governmental non-profit HIV service organizations. Based on an understanding of the relevance of pressing problems, people, affected by the HIV epidemic, and belonging to high-risk groups, represent their interests in the public health system, build trust, introduce innovations. Communities lead World AIDS Day around the world, organizing events and making reasonable appeals to meet their vital interests. Thanks to photos and videos, which groups will share on social networks, it will be possible to get an idea of ​​the kaleidoscope of events taking place, be inspired by determination and hope, hear specific calls to action on the ground.

This year, World AIDS Day is celebrated under the theme “Leadership to Communities.”. The slogan “Leadership to Communities” will sound not only 1 December. On the eve of World AIDS Day, awareness-raising events will be held in all regions of the Republic of Belarus (stock, flash mobs, talk show, Exhibitions, competition), направленные на привлечение внимания к проблеме ВИЧ-инфекции: information and educational campaigns with the distribution of information materials, проведением экспресс-тестирования на ВИЧ по слюне (OJSC Gazprom Transgaz Belarus 28.11.2023, EE "Gomel State Medical University" 01.12.2023, КУП «Спецкоммунтранс» 04.12.2023, State Institution "Svetlogorsk Cultural Center" 29.11.2023; Republican conference “Modern aspects of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of HIV infection. Community Leadership" 01.12.2023.

These events will be attended by specialists from healthcare institutions, education and other departments, representatives of non-governmental non-profit organizations and volunteers. Thanks to the coordinated work of government, international and non-governmental non-profit organizations in the Republic of Belarus have formed a steady trend towards reducing the incidence of HIV infection, as well as mortality from causes, HIV related. All organizations can provide even greater impetus to the global HIV response.

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