24 Martha – world tuberculosis day

Breathe freely and easily

Annually 24 March marks World Tuberculosis Day.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, caused by mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex group, which are often called Koch's sticks, by the name of the German microbiologist who discovered them.

Tuberculosis is included in the list of socially significant diseases, posing a danger to others. Anyone can become infected with tuberculosis, regardless of profession, age and gender. And that means, that the disease can be encountered close to home, in the shop, on the bus and on the street. But, if the human immune system works properly, she usually manages to successfully resist infection. But with a weakened immune system, the risk of infection increases. Socially unadapted people are more likely to develop tuberculosis: prisoners or antisocial individuals (faces, without a fixed abode, those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, etc.).

The main source of infection is a person with tuberculosis, which releases the pathogen when coughing, sneezing with droplets of phlegm and saliva. The second most important source of infection is cattle with tuberculosis., less often pigs, birds and other animals.

The following routes of infection with tuberculosis are distinguished::

– air-dust (Drops of sputum and mucus with dust that have dried on surfaces rise into the air, where they enter the human body);

– airborne (when coughing, sneezing, conversation, the patient's sputum enters the human body);

– nutritional (infection occurs through consumption of infected milk or meat of sick animals);

– contact-household (when using personal hygiene items, and common items, direct physical contact);

– intrauterine (from sick mother to fetus).

Infection with tuberculosis does not mean the onset of the disease: it develops only in 5-15% infected. It may take several weeks or months for the first symptoms to develop, and the main risk factor is considered to be a weakening of the body’s immune forces.

The main symptom of the pulmonary form of active tuberculosis is a chronic cough.. Symptoms of tuberculosis also include: labored breathing, chest pain, sudden weight loss, elevated temperature towards the end of the day and feverish state, night sweats, chronic fatigue, in advanced cases - hemoptysis.

Some of the above symptoms are also present in other diseases., but if they are present, protect yourself and your loved ones - contact the clinic at your place of residence or an anti-tuberculosis dispensary. Tuberculosis, if detected early and treated correctly, is curable.

Basis of therapy, as with many other bacterial infections, make up antibiotics.

You can protect yourself and others from contracting tuberculosis, if you avoid factors, weakening the body's defenses: follow a diet, labor, recreation, spend more time outdoors, no smoking, do not abuse alcohol, keep the room clean, use individual utensils, hygiene products. When identifying tuberculosis patients in a family, you should scrupulously follow the recommendations of doctors.

The diagnosis of tuberculosis in most cases makes people afraid. This is really dangerous, but a curable disease. People’s experiences and reactions can be very different – ​​from complete inaction to the desire to take complete control of the situation. TUBERCULOSIS IS CURABLE! The main thing is to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Based on the institution “Gomel Regional Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital” 22 Martha 2024 years from 10:00 to 12:00 A direct telephone line will be organized with consultation of a phthisiatrician by telephone 56-57-93.

You can check your lungs for free 22 March as part of the “White Daisy” campaign for World Tuberculosis Day.

Anyone can undergo an X-ray fluorographic examination. 10.00 to 14.00 near the Gomel department store (st. Soviet, 60). The Pulmoexpress mobile unit will be located there.. The results, along with an expert opinion, will be issued on site by a radiologist.


Svetlana Zagortseva,

medical prevention doctor

Department of Public Health of the Gomel Regional Center for Hygiene and Health


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