International Day of Remembrance of People, deaths from HIV / AIDS 16 may 2021 of the year

Press release


Initiated by the World Health Organization (VOZ) International Day of Remembrance of People is held on the third Sunday of May, deaths from HIV / AIDS. The purpose of this day is to unite the efforts of the whole world in the fight against the global epidemic, claimed millions of lives, raise people's awareness of HIV infection, express support for topics, who lives with HIV.

Despite, that the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection 2019 – 2021 yy. set tasks for humanity, which are being overcome by unprecedented measures on the part of all states, the problem of the spread of HIV infection remains urgent, since it has not yet been resolved, despite advances in treatment.

AT 2021 year of the World Day of Remembrance of People, deaths from AIDS, is held under the motto "Live. To study. To love ». The theme of the day highlights the importance of understanding all aspects of HIV infection, relating to life as each person, and society as a whole, gives you the opportunity to think about yourself and loved ones, honor the memory of those, who left, to do everything, to understand people, living with HIV.

According to world statistics, over the entire observation period, AIDS-related diseases died 32,7 million people.

Currently, more than 22,8 thousand people with HIV-positive status. Sexual transmission of HIV prevails in the country - 83,9% cases. The largest number of cases is registered among people aged from 30 to 49 years old (67,1% all cases). In the structure of the sick from each 10 human - 6 men. The socially prosperous population is involved in the epidemic: in the social structure of newly diagnosed HIV-positive people about 45% are persons of working specialties and employees.

Today HIV infection remains an incurable disease, but the achieved success in treatment, aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus, allowed to transfer this disease to the category of chronic, thereby, significantly prolong the life of HIV-infected people. But the most important thing in personal prevention of HIV infection is to change the attitude of the population to their health., exclusion of a risky lifestyle.

Everyone should understand, that only the person himself is the main link in maintaining his health and is responsible for protecting against infection, as myself, and other people. Therefore, everyone can contribute to the fight against the epidemic., protect yourself and your loved ones, passing timely testing, forming a responsible attitude to one's own health.

World Day of Remembrance of People, deaths from AIDS is another opportunity to demonstrate readiness and desire to resist the further spread of HIV infection.

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