17 December - Day of Injury Prevention

Annually in the Republic of Belarus about 800 000 human, as a result, injury is an important socio-economic problem due to the high prevalence and severity of its consequences: disability and mortality. Population injury rate is one of the most important indicators, characterizing public health.

WHO Regional Office for Europe names injury as the leading cause of death in Europe, but, in spite of this, Until now, the full extent of the problem of injury and its burden on society in many countries is not fully understood. Injury prevention is provided through support at all levels of government, allocating the necessary resources, building organizational and human capacity, as well as with the involvement of the media, public organizations and the general population.

WHO studies have shown, that the number of deaths due to injuries is increasing every year. In the near future, this problem may be aggravated by such factors., how urbanization and globalization, environmental change and motorization. At the same time, the successes of developed countries in reducing deaths from injuries show, that many injuries and accidents are preventable.

In recent years, attitudes towards injuries and their prevention have changed significantly in Belarus. This problem is recognized as extremely urgent and is perceived as a duty of society..

Winter injuries remain relevant today. With the first snowfall, the frequency of hospital visits for injuries increases by 2-3 times. Winter injuries account for up to 15% morbidity with temporary disability. In winter, bruises and bone fractures prevail (near 15%), dislocations (near 10%). Affected - mostly people of working age (near 80%). Children before 18 years are 2%, and the faces are older 60 years - about 8%.

Observe the following precautions to avoid injury:
– choose shoes with flat or low square heels, better, if the sole is with large non-slip ribbing;
– learn to "winter" gait: в гололедицу ходить нужно по-особому – как бы скользить, like on small skis. And go, desirable, as slow as possible. Sliding on the ice is not specifically worth it - this increases the icing of the sole. Remember: the faster the step, the greater the risk of falling;
– elderly people, most prone to injury, it is recommended to attach special "anti-icing" pads to the soles of familiar shoes;
– on winter days it is not recommended to hold your hands with bags or walk, держа руки в карманах – в том случае, if you do slip, хотя бы одна свободная рука позволит вам сманеврировать. If you still have to carry shopping bags, distribute their weight evenly - carry in both hands;
– do not walk under roof slopes and eaves, stay away from building walls - icicles or ice may fall from the roof.
As part of the Day of Injury Prevention 17 December from 12.00 to 13.00 by phone 8(0232)34-71-27 to questions, related to prevention and treatment of injuries, the doctors-traumatologists-orthopedists of the institution "Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital" will answer.
Anastasia Stepankova,
public health department
Gomel Regional Center for Central Generation and Health

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