11 July - Alcoholism Prevention Day

Alcohol takes the health and lives of people, affecting all social groups of the population.

Alcoholism - it is a slowly progressive disease, characterized by a pathological craving for alcoholic beverages, withdrawal symptoms (hangover) syndrome with the cessation of alcohol consumption and the gradual development of mental degradation.

Alcohol abuse is detrimental to health, the psyche of an alcoholic also changes.

Psychological features characteristic of people, suffering from alcohol addiction:

  1. A drunk person often becomes withdrawn, sharp, sarcastic, unpleasant in conversation.
  2. Changing circle of friends, difficulties in contact with loved ones, most of the time a person spends with drinking companions or alone.
  3. The dependent person ceases to show interest in life, work, hobbies - everything goes by the wayside.
  4. Under the influence of alcohol, a person feels strong, claims power, which he doesn't really have., and behave in accordance with their worldview, which often leads to conflicts and troubles.
  5. Tendency to self-deception: "I can stop drinking at any time". But, Unfortunately, this moment never comes.
  6. There are problems with mental activity: the intellect suffers, thinking, memory, concentration of attention.
  7. Alcohol depresses the nervous system, which leads to constant anxiety and worry.
  8. Man unable to remember, what happened the day before. There are memory lapses, hallucinations.
  9. In people, drinking alcohol, may develop delirium tremens (delirium tremens).

How alcohol affects the human body?

  • destroys the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most common causes of death in patients with alcoholism..
  • Damages the pancreas, causing acute, as well as chronic pancreatitis.
  • strikes the heart, causes arrhythmias, arterial hypertension, disrupts the metabolism in the cells of the heart muscle, in this case, some cells die and myocardial dystrophy develops (weight loss of the heart).
  • Reduces immunity. People who drink often get pneumonia, purulent, infectious diseases.
  • Causes skin changes. Everyone knows the "red noses of alcoholics".
  • Destroys the peripheral nervous system. This is manifested by the characteristic "gait of alcoholics", in which there is an unsteady slow tread, reeling, trembling fingers.

The first signs of alcoholism

  • Frequent desire to drink and get drunk.
  • The habit of relieving tension in case of any problems with the help of alcoholic beverages.
  • Problems at work and at home due to alcohol use.
  • Reception of alcoholic beverages regardless of the time of day - in the morning, at work, driving a car, etc..

It should be remembered that, that alcoholism is a serious disease, which goes through several stages. The sooner one understands, that he became addicted to alcohol, the greater the chance of recovery. If you or someone close to you is experiencing alcohol addiction, seek help from specialists, to avoid serious consequences.

Where to go for help?

11 july 2023 of the year direct telephone lines will be organized on the basis of the institution "Gomel Regional Narcological Dispensary":

– with 09-00 to 12-00 by phone. 8(0232)53-34-34 will be consulted by narcologists of the Department of Narcological Assistance to Adolescents;

– with 08-00 to 12-00 by phone. 8(0232)34-01-66 Acting will answer questions. head of the dispensary department, psychiatrist-narcologist Kanuzeleva Olga Vladimirovna.

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