Грибок и плесень в жилище

I propose to talk about mold, although there are so many great topics of conversation, and do not even want to think about it! But, поговорить о плесени домовом и пищевом грибке всё же стоит. In addition, the inhabitants of modern apartments with mold face every day, and even, sometimes fight it. And deal with it really need, in spite of the existing misconceptions. for instance, in old times, in peasant families, there is a belief - you eat a piece of moldy bread, and will find a coin. Then bread valued its weight in gold, throw even spoiled food does not rise hand. malnutrition days are gone, a sign was left.

Some believe any mold helpful. breakwater, penicillin from it do, so, Healing is, and Raw Materials. Really, penicillin I saved a lot of people and marked the beginning of a whole family of antibiotics. But we should not forget, that for the preparation of penicillin mold is subjected to special treatment, and the mold need special.

Houses and food mold dangerous to humans because of allergic reactions. Among the myriad of allergenic properties of fungi found in 300 species. Number of people, are allergic to mold, increasing every year. И именно плесневые грибы чаще всего вызывают аллергическую реакцию. Mold is a kind of microscopic fungi, which consist of a network of tiny threads. With the growth of these fungi begin to produce spores, are potent allergens. If spores penetrate into the human body through respiration, then it is evident bronchial asthma or allergic bronchitis. In this case, it may first appear runny, bouts of sneezing, labored breathing. If mold spores get into the gastrointestinal tract, there are different types of food allergies. There are complications of allergic fungal skin diseases, until eczema.

Какие только цвета не использует плесень в своей боевой раскраске для нашего устрашения. It can be white, black, red. The most dangerous is today considered the yellow mold.

Deserves special attention noble mold or blue. This is the same mold, which gave the world the famous spicy cheeses. doctors say, that blue mold, Unlike their relatives is not dangerous. However, it should be remembered, if you have already purchased food fungal allergy, you'll have to give up eating cheese with mold.

Molds are common almost everywhere. Mold and its spores found in the air of any room, but in different concentrations. Namely, the concentration depends on the degree of danger to the human body. On the street and in the room there are seasonal changes in the amount of mold spores and other particles. Most mold spores released in the fall, when the humidity increases and there is a lot of dead plants.

What affects the growth and reproduction of mold, and where most settle molds? growth and reproduction of the place of fungi are, primarily, uncooked, poorly ventilated areas. A, More mold can settle in the cooling and heating systems, in air conditioners, dishwashers, trash cans, air purifiers on the plates. Special love from mold to bathrooms and flower pots. Well, and cellars, lofts, garages and piles of fallen leaves - this is sometimes true of the kingdom of fungi.

That such recommendations are made to reduce the concentration of mold spores in the indoor air, already infected by fungi, as well as to prevent the occurrence of mold in general:

  • Avoid long-term stays in the raw, poorly ventilated areas;
  • Twice a day is well ventilate the apartment or office. Do not forget to ventilate attics, basement garage;
  • Preference should be given a short, but intensive ventilation of the room, widely flung open all the windows and doors. The heat loss in this case is minimal, but is airing more effectively, rather than constantly slightly ajar ventilator;
  • Make regular general cleaning apartments and offices, do not forget to bring order even in the most secluded corners;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the bathroom. It should be well ventilated. Oilcloth curtain after showering should be a good spread for drying. If it is removable - hang out for airing on the balcony. Bath mat need to be washed more often, preferably in a washing machine. Sponges should not be kept constantly wet. They should be dry and clean in a dry place;
  • Do not let the water flow from the taps, this increases the humidity;
  • The washed clothes should immediately hang to dry. But prefer the mold dirty linen, especially wet;
  • Watch for houseplants, they often settle some fungi, It is harming not only your pets, but you;
  • Trash can before taking the next portion of the debris to be washed and dried;
  • Reduce the humidity in the room, you can use the air conditioner, However, there are some disadvantages. We should not forget, that the very air conditioner can be a source of fungi and their spores. Therefore preferable to use a conditioner, having filters with fungicidal "impregnation" or other protective technology against mold;
  • В осенне-зимний период все помещения должны хорошо отапливаться. Временное отключение отопления (eg, на даче), ведёт к усиленному образованию сырости на стенах во время их остывания;
  • При длительной работе на дачном участке осенью и весной, при уборке опавшей листвы пользуйтесь респиратором. Отмирающие части растений – это места, где живут спорообразующие грибы.


Но что делать, если грибы покушаются не только на Вашу телесную, но и на духовную пищу? Открываете, eg, свою любимую книгу, а там плесень! Вытрушивать книги ни в коем случае нельзя, if, конечно не хотите заложить в комнате новую грибницу. Тряпкой тереть также не следует, плесень лишь глубже въестся в бумагу. Книгу придётся просушить, проветрить, а затем обработать поражённые места. But, а для того, чтобы предотвратить появление плесени на книгах их нужно чаще читать. Или хотя бы проветривать и просушивать. А книжные шкафы, да и вообще любую мебель лучше не ставить у сырой стены.

Пятна плесени на стенках холодильника, стиральной машины, аккуратно снимают, а не растирают, тряпочкой, смоченной в водном растворе питьевой соды (1 чайная ложка на стакан воды), а затем очищенное место протирают столовым уксусом.

Если вы обнаружили плесень на стенах, полах или потолке, не пытайтесь её счищать сразу, а то разнесёте споры по всему жилищу. Лучше обратитесь к профессионалам, которые дадут ценные рекомендации и помогут правильно провести обработку.

И скажите, стоит ли давать плесневым грибам место в своём жилище, чтобы потом они наградили вас таким списком запретов в еде и ещё целой кучей всяких неприятностей?




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