5 simple secrets of active aging

Can old age be active?? Most often, when people reach a certain age, they begin to think, that it’s too late for them to try new things and enjoy life. And moral and physical strength, to be active, doesn't remain.

So what's the reason? Why do some pensioners remain positive and cheerful?, and others - no? Let's look into these issues.

Physiological changes

Natural changes occur in the body as we age, that affect overall health. The main ones include:

decreased elasticity of ligaments and joints. This leads to stiffness of movement, impossibility of performing them in full amplitude. The condition of cartilage also worsens;

weight gain, and this is an additional burden on the organs;

change in hormonal levels. The concentration of calcium ions in bone mass decreases, which leads to their fragility. This problem is especially relevant for women;

deterioration of sleep;

reduction in the diameter of blood vessels due to the formation of atherosclerotic deposits, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes;

mood swings. Some older people become depressed after retirement.

The key is in psychology

According to many experts, age-related decline primarily lies in psychology. “Old age is not a joy” - this message surrounds us everywhere, and this is fundamentally wrong. Don't look at retirement as a sunset, end of life's journey. You should be positive. After all, leaving work frees up a lot of time., which you can spend on yourself.

Another emotional factor is the fear of death.. Certainly, the inevitable one, and you won’t be able to completely eradicate thoughts about her. but, this is a natural process, and should be treated accordingly. After all, emotional discomfort, suffering will lead to physical weakness. This is why a positive attitude and support from loved ones is important.. Aging should motivate us, push to do as much as possible, rather than spending days waiting for the inevitable.

Basic principles of active aging

For vigor of spirit and body, To reduce risk factors, older people should follow a number of simple principles. Each of them can be customized. The main thing is personal comfort, positive emotions and benefits.

Healthy diet

Sometimes you hear stories about, how someone indulged in junk food, alcohol and smoking, lived a long life and managed to maintain excellent health. Such cases, of course, there are, but they are rather the exception, than the rule. The state of the body of most people is affected to one degree or another by the consequences of bad habits..


Important! Bad habits contribute to a decrease in life expectancy: smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, overeating, etc.. For active aging, you should give them up.

Food is a source of primarily useful components and energy, not pleasure. This is why it is important to watch your diet. In addition, with age, processes in the body slow down., he needs fewer calories, therefore, overeating is more likely to lead to excess weight gain. An elderly person's menu should include:

cereals. Oatmeal is especially beneficial (has an enveloping effect, promotes the removal of harmful substances), buckwheat (source of a large number of useful components), millet (helps normalize blood pressure, has a positive effect on thought processes) etc.;

fish and seafood. Provide the body with valuable unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, etc.. d.;

vegetables and fruits. It is not only a valuable source of vitamins, but also the necessary fiber;

lean meats. Necessary for the prevention of anemia;

dairy products. Become a source of calcium, contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to adjust your diet in accordance with your doctor's recommendations, after all, some products for certain diseases may be contraindicated or even prohibited!

Moderate physical activity

Certainly, It may be too late to start weightlifting in retirement, but regular exercise won't hurt. When choosing activities, it is important to consider your overall health, presence of chronic diseases. Most often, older people choose:

yoga. Combines physical improvement of the body with spiritual development. Classes do not include significant strength loads, sudden movements;

swimming. Allows you to maintain muscle tone, improve immunity. Swimming exercises help prevent cardiovascular diseases;

Nordic walking. Promotes oxygenation of blood, strengthening the muscle corset, getting rid of excess weight.

Mind training

Constant brain activity will help prevent senile dementia, dementia. Retirement can be a great time to gain new knowledge, learning foreign languages, acquiring new hobbies. It is useful for older people to memorize poetry, solve puzzles, solve crosswords.

Social activity

Old age is not a reason to withdraw into yourself. This is a time of new opportunities. If you wish, you should continue your career or explore a new area of ​​activity. Communication becomes a good incentive to maintain vitality.

Taking care of your health

Regular medical examinations will allow you to timely identify a developing disease and begin therapy.. It's no secret to anyone, that at the initial stage the disease is easier to treat or stop. Moreover, self-medication, Ignoring ailments often leads to harmful consequences, development of chronic diseases.

Active longevity is not an exorbitant dream, and possible reality. Believe in yourself, look to the future with optimism, find something you like and life will be filled with new colors. Play sports, friends, support your loved ones!

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