Traumatism is a multifaceted problem

Одной из важнейших проблем общественного здравоохранения является травматизм населения. It is characterized by a high degree of disability and medical and social consequences., such as disability and mortality.

damage, or injury, It is customary to call the consequence of the influence of an external factor on a person (mechanical, physical, chemical, radioactive, x-ray, electrical, etc.), disrupting the structure and integrity of tissues and the normal course of physiological processes. Depending on the nature of the injured tissue, skin (bruises, wounds), subcutaneous (torn ligaments, bone fractures, etc.) and cavity (hemorrhage bruises, chest wounds, life, joints) damage. Injuries can be single (eg, fracture of any bone), multiple (several fractures), combined (bone fractures with damage to internal organs) and combined (bone fracture and, eg, frostbite or burns, etc.). Injuries to tissues and organs are open, with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, and closed without damaging the outer covers.

Injuries are divided into: 1. Production: industrial; agricultural; construction; in transport; 2. non-production: household; street; road transport; sports; school; Children's, etc..

With the onset of winter, "street" injuries seasonally more than double. Impatience and carelessness are common causes of winter injuries. When a person is in a hurry, he may not realize, that clearly sees something more, than just snow-covered ice. Uncleared snow, ice, potholes and potholes in the sidewalks are the main external causes,creating traumatic situations in cities. People often fall,getting off the bus.

Sledge, skiing, ice skating is my favorite pastime in winter. Unfortunately, they are the cause of many injuries and fractures, especially in children. This is where the role of adults comes into play., which should teach the child the rules of behavior, avoiding injury. Need to check the sled, are they damaged?, ski binding, it is securely and correctly attached to the legs of the child, and skates to match the size.

Even a harmless snowball fight can cause trouble.. The task of adults is to convince the child to beware of snow in the face., and aim carefully at your "opponents", not to hurt your eyes, do not break the nose and do not leave bruises on the face.

The main danger in the cold season is ice.. To reduce the chance of falling, you have to follow some rules:

  • walk slowly, on bent legs, slightly relaxing them at the knees and leaning on the entire foot;
  • it is very important not to keep your hands in your pockets (with fixed hands increases the likelihood of not only falling, but also a fracture);
  • slipped, gotta get grouped, be ready to fall;
  • it's best to fall sideways, in no case should you land on straightened arms;
  • it is undesirable to leave the house at night, in very cold weather, when it snows and is slippery;
  • it is advisable for older people to use a cane or walk accompanied by loved ones, This is especially important when crossing the street, when going up and down stairs;
  • during ice, stay away from the roadway and in no case cross it! The braking distance of cars at this time is significantly increased.

If the fall could not be avoided, attention should be paid to the appearance of the following symptoms: severe pain in the arm or leg, swollen joint, got a headache, dizziness. In these cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

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