How to avoid head lice. Memo for parents

How to avoid head liceBus, pool, cinema, stress: in what cases it is possible to catch head lice and how to get rid of a lousy misfortune? This is a disease of classmates?

In the cold season, head lice occurs more often. Despite all the achievements of civilization, fragrant soap and fluffy towel, lice could not be defeated. And it is unlikely to succeed. The reasons for this are the speed and ease of spreading the infection.. The bloodsucker seeks a constant change of owner.

Moving from one to the other, can postpone enough nits per day. Children are more likely to be infected - among those who fall ill, there are almost 75%. More often schoolchildren suffer from head lice 7 — 14 years old. The vast majority are girls, about 95%. Long hair at high risk. Electoral louse prefers baby, softer skin. Bloodsuckers are usually found on the temples and back of the head., eggs are laid there. At boys, usually, settle on forelocks. School health workers must check students for head lice five times a year - after every vacation and before going to summer. Children in the gardens are supposed to be examined daily. If lice are found, the child cannot go to kindergarten or school.

A common misconception, that lice are jumping. The parasites do not have flea jumping ability. But nimble insects, like on the bridge, move from hair to hair to another owner. Younger schoolchildren are easy prey for lice. At this age, children begin to be actively sent to sports sections., various mugs, pool. The guys are in contact with each other: indulge in, fight, can exchange hats. Many wear jackets with a trim. In the locker room, clothes are often piled up. Lice run freely on someone else's hood. Mobile phones contribute to the spread of head lice among younger schoolchildren. At breaks, classmates gather in a circle, head to head, and look at the screen with enthusiasm. Here for lice expanse, choose anyone!

Given the rate of spread of head lice, it is necessary to examine the child's head before each bath. And girls with long hair - every day. Increase your vigilance, if heard, that there is a problem in the class. Many parents are pretty careless about this issue.. Some, noticing, how a child often scratches his head, write off everything on new shampoo, pier, did not fit. Who has not experienced head lice, confuse nits with dandruff. But her, unlike nits, easy to brush away. "Where do lice come from?? We wash our baby's head daily!"- such arguments are often heard by health workers.

The big misconception of adults, that their son or daughter, clean, is not threatened with lice. You can't say about head lice, that it is a disease of dirty hair or poor people. Is considered, that lice can smell very well. Sensing a new "victim", will try to get over to her. When changing owners, they would rather prefer a person with clean hair., than greasy. After all, sebum is a kind of barrier. Where is less fat, it's easier to bite through the skin and suck blood. Where we risk getting infected? Adults rarely suffer from head lice.. But you shouldn't relax. Nobody is insured. You can catch lice anywhere:

  • in public transport. Young ladies with long flowing hair are especially at risk. Insects from a neighboring passenger may well move along the strands;
  • in taxi, cinema, theater - depending on, who was sitting in the chair before you;
  • in a swimming pool. Lice can live in water for several days. The chlorine dissolved in the pool does not act on the parasite. The insect can cling to strands. So you need a hat, which adheres tightly to the skin;
  • from infected children through close communication, hugs, games;
  • through shared bedding;
  • when trying on hats in a store, On the market;
  • with the arms of parents and children.

Due to stress, as some people mistakenly believe, lice won't start! And what's in hairdressers? If the client has lice or nits hanging on his hair, the hairdresser will refuse him a haircut. The person will be sent home to be treated for head lice.


Special products from the pharmacy will help get rid of lice. Nits are much more problematic, who are exceptionally tenacious. Medicines for the treatment of head lice do not kill them, only slow down maturation. Parasite eggs are difficult to remove, especially with long hair. They are securely attached with adhesive, which does not dissolve any of the known agents, even the most expensive. For the treatment of head lice, they are suitable as domestic drugs, for example Permethrin-Pharma, and foreign. English "Full Marks" is effective, which comes with a "magic" scallop. The secret lies in the special teeth of the comb. The comb can be used to comb out up to 95% rot. The rest will have to be chosen by hand. Otherwise lice will hatch, and everything will start again. It is a big mistake for parents to rely only on medicine. it happens, complain: “I poured five bottles on my head, nothing helps". And won't help, until you take out all the nits with your hands. Therefore, it is easier for boys to shave their heads..


Anti-crisis way of dealing with nits. To make parasites easier to comb out, pre-wash your hair with shampoo, then apply and rinse off the hair balm. As an option, you can rinse your clean head with a solution of warm water and food vinegar 6-9%. Proportion: tablespoon per liter of water. Hair will become silky and friable - it will be easier to pull off nits. If there is no scallop, take any comb with fine teeth (better metal) and knitting threads, better woolen. Wind them around the teeth with a figure eight and moisten them with table vinegar 6-9%. It is better to comb out near the sink. Shake off nits periodically, tapping the comb on the side of the sink. Then revisit all hair strands in good light.. Rinse with vinegar (6-9%) can be used as a prophylaxis against head lice. Folk methods will do: burdock oil, tea tree or lavender. Apply one of these to the back of the head, the neck and behind the baby's ears. These oils nourish the scalp, create fat protection, and the smell scares away lice. Inspect and if necessary, process all family members. Don't forget about yourself. Смените ребенку постельное бельё и головной убор. Если все средства перепробованы, тогда, perhaps, стоит обратиться к профессионалам.


Для человека вши опасны тем, что являются переносчиками некоторых инфекций. Напившись крови у больного человека, могут передать инфекцию другому человеку. Также паразиты приносят массу других неприятностей. Отвлекаясь на зуд, ребенок становится нервным, раздражительным, трудно сосредотачивается на уроках. Пораженные участки может расчесать ногтями до крови. А открытые ранки — входные ворота для инфекции. Столкнувшись с вшивой напастью, врачи советуют скорее принять меры!


To avoid re-infection, it is necessary to conduct a conversation with the child. Tell your child and teach him to follow certain measures. If you have already done the lice control procedure, then show your child the former "tenants" and tell, that he felt bad and itched precisely because of them.
Wash your baby's head and body at least twice a week;
Take your kids to school with a neat hairstyle: boys with short hair, and girls with braided braids.
Change your baby's underwear and bedding regularly, stroking it thoroughly.
Explain to your child, that you cannot share combs and hats with friends.
Сообщите о ситуации медицинскому работнику детского учреждения, которое посещает ваш ребёнок, for a complex of anti-lice measures. And be sure to tell us about, that the child had head lice to other mothers in the group or class, as well as the mothers of your child's friends. This needs to be done, no matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable you are for that, чтобы они тоже осмотрели своих детей и повторного заражения не случилось.

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