Caution, lice!

Who among us has not faced the problem of head lice? I think, there are not so many such people. After all, lice are not at all a sign of untidiness.. They can appear in the heads of the most well-groomed children.. And be that as it may, lice from all heads will choose the one, which is often washed, where the skin is clean, for that reason, what's easier for insects, thanks to the least amount of substances, secreted by the sebaceous glands, suck blood.

What is head lice and what should parents do, find lice in their child?

Pediculosis or lice - a specific parasite on a person of lice, feeding on his blood. There are three types of lice: wages, head and pubic. Infection of people with body lice and head lice occurs through contact with lousy faces. Pubic lice is transmitted through intimate contact.

The head louse is a small insect up to 4 mm in length. She loves places "warmer" and, often, lives in the back of the head, behind the ears and around the temples. It is there that you can see traces of bites and scratches..
However, the louse itself can not be seen - it is very mobile. But nits are easy to spot. Nits are small transparent "beads", lice eggs. They are tightly attached to the hair closer to the root.. The nits themselves are not particularly harmful., Besides, that later new insects will appear from them.

Lice feed on human blood, piercing the scalp with their proboscis. Grayish-blue marks remain at the puncture site, which then begin to "itch" due to the enzyme, which injects lice into the wounds. This enzyme is necessary for an insect, to keep the blood from clotting, and causes local irritation. If the wounds are strongly combed, a bacterial infection can join them, and they fester. therefore, it is important to identify the presence of head lice in the child in time.

Lice are insects without wings. They can't jump and fly, but they run very well. Therefore, it is possible to become infected with head lice only through direct contact.. Most often children of primary school age become infected with lice 1 – 4 classes during games or exchanging personal belongings - when trying on each other's hats and caps, combed with other people's combs, sleeping together on the same pillow and so on.

Lice are species-specific parasites. They cannot be infected from animals. Human lice live and feed only on humans.

The main symptom of head lice is itching in the area of ​​the bites..
Children, infected with pediculosis, become restless, restless, constantly scratching their heads, without taking your hand out of your head. They feel uncomfortable, but don't understand, what is he connected with.

Lice are hard to spot, but you can. Especially if combing is done over a sheet of paper or a light, lint-free towel.

Examine combed hair. Nits can be seen closer to their root. Gnida, like a small transparent bead, firmly on the hair. It's hard to separate. And when crushed, it emits a characteristic crackle.

Head lice treatment can be done independently. Currently, the pharmacy network offers a wide range of various anti-lice preparations. (shampoos, emulsions, etc.), by purchasing which you can carry out the processing yourself at home. However, you should remember, that chemical treatment does not completely eliminate lice, it is necessary to remove lice eggs mechanically, ie. by hand or using a special comb, which can also be bought in the pharmacy chain.

Inspect and if necessary, process all family members. Don't forget about yourself. Change your child's bedding.

Repeat examinations of the child and all family members through 7, 14, 21 day and spend, of necessity, repeated treatments until complete extermination of insects and nits.

If you are unable to carry out the processing yourself or want to get professional help, then you can contact the sanitary checkpoint of the institution "Gomel Regional Center for Preventive Disinfection", and you will definitely be helped.

To avoid re-infection, it is necessary to conduct a conversation with the child. Tell your child and teach him to follow certain measures. If you have already done the lice control procedure, then show your child the former "tenants" and tell, that he felt bad and itched precisely because of them.

  • Wash your baby's head and body at least twice a week;
  • Take your kids to school with a neat hairstyle: boys with short hair, and girls with braided braids.
  • Change your baby's underwear and bedding regularly, stroking it thoroughly.
  • Explain to your child, that you cannot share combs and hats with friends.
  • Use lavender or tea tree oil for prevention. Apply it to the back of the head, the neck and behind the baby's ears.

Tell your doctor about the situation (nurse) children's institution, which your child is visiting, for a complex of anti-lice measures. And be sure to tell us about, that the child had head lice to other mothers in the group or class, as well as the mothers of your child's friends. This needs to be done, no matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable you are for that, so that they also examine their children and re-infection does not happen.

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