Processing centers of infectious diseases

Обработка очаговПроводится после госпитализации, recovery or death of the patient, that is, after removing the source of infection in order to completely free the epidemic focus from pathogens, scattered sick.

The final disinfection is carried out by the disinfection and sterilization centers or the disinfection departments of the territorial hygiene and epidemiology centers.

The grounds for final disinfection are infectious diseases or suspicions of them., set out in Appendix No. 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated November 25, 2002. № 165 "On disinfection and sterilization by healthcare institutions". These are such diseases, as: typhoid fever, paratify, typhus and relapsing fevers, anthrax, quarantine diseases, hemorrhagic fevers, ornithosis, fungal diseases, scabies, diphtheria, viral hepatitis with fecal-oral transmission mechanism, acute intestinal infections, polio, tuberculosis.

For other infectious diseases, final disinfection is carried out depending on the epidemic situation. The need and volume of final disinfection is determined by the epidemiologist. When infectious diseases are detected in hospital hospitals, the final disinfection is carried out by the disinfectants of these institutions.

The main stages of final disinfection are:

  • preparation of disinfectant solutions;
  • according to indications the destruction of flies with closed windows and transoms;
  • disinfecting the door to the room, где
    находился больной;
  • обеззараживание нательного и постельного белья в дезинфицирующем
    растворе или кипячением;
  • disinfection of dishes for food;
  • disinfection of food debris;
  • disinfection of toys;
  • collection of things for chamber disinfection;
  • disinfection of furnishings;
  • disinfection of cleaning equipment.

Preparations are used for disinfection, approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and in the presence of approved instructions and documents, confirming their quality and safety.

Final disinfection using disinfection chambers is mandatory for the following infectious diseases: typhoid fever, paratify, typhus and relapsing fevers, anthrax, quarantine diseases, hemorrhagic fevers, ornithosis, leprosy, fungal diseases (mikrosporiya, ringworm, favus), polio, tuberculosis. When scabies and viral hepatitis with fecal-oral transmission mechanism final disinfection with the disinfection chamber is performed only by the application-epidemiologists.

Things, subject to chamber disinfection, sorted and placed in bags separately for the steam-air, steam and steam-formalin disinfection and delivered to the chamber, where they are disinfected in disinfection chambers.

Подразделение располагает современным оборудованиемгенераторами аэрозолей для проведения объемной дезинфекции, являющейся эффективным методом обеззараживания путем распыления мелкодисперсного аэрозоля дезинфицирующего средства.

Уточнить все вопросы по проведения заключительной дезинфекции можно по телефону +375 232 32 94 25.

Более подробно о дезинфекции вы можете прочитать here.


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