11-17 November – World Antibiotic Rational Use Week

The purpose ежегодного проведения кампании является повышение осведомленности людей во всем мире о проблеме устойчивости инфекций к антибиотикам, and applying advanced approaches, allowing to prevent its further development and spread.

Antibiotics (antimicrobial agents) – это вещества синтетического или природного происхождения, which destroy microorganisms (bactericidal action) or suppress their ability to reproduce (bacteriostatic action).

Opened by Alexander Fleming in 1928 the year of the first antibiotic penicillin changed the further course of history and the development of medicine. Penicillin saved many lives during World War II, many procedures without antibiotics, as well as surgical interventions, would become more dangerous due to the increased threat of developing blood poisoning.

Since the discovery of antibiotics, these drugs have become one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of modern medicine., however, too frequent use of antibiotics in medicine and veterinary medicine, and their misuse have contributed to the emergence and spread of resistance.

Antibiotic resistance (antibiotic resistance) occurs as a result of mutations of microorganisms in this way, that germs can resist drugs, which were used to combat them. As resistance develops, the effectiveness of drugs gradually decreases and eventually is completely lost.. Microorganisms survive and even grow in the presence of an antibiotic concentration, sufficient to destroy or suppress their growth under normal conditions.

Misuse of antibiotics is unnecessary use, in too short a time, in too small doses, and most importantly, use against disease, which this drug does not treat.

To prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistance:

  • use antibiotics only as directed by a doctor;
  • do not use antibiotics unnecessarily, including for preventive purposes;
  • take antibiotics at the correct dose and for the required period of time, despite the improvement in well-being;
  • take preventive measures (eg, vaccinate) to reduce the risk of getting sick

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